Thursday 16 April 2015

Jesus and the Easter Bunny

*i'd like to appologise in advance for the lack of photos in this post. unfortunately my phone was damaged before i could upload them/back my phone up to the cloud (major sad face moment)*

I'd love to get to church more regularly, but i really struggle at the moment... hopefully when i can drive next year i'll be able to get there more often. In the meantime i still read my bible, pray and ensure that God remains a pillar in our daily lives. Especially will Easter time looming my excitement began to grow and i began my daily pinning spree focusing on my Easter board on Pinterest. When i began Easter planning i originally wanted to do a passover dinner but i just couldn't see my family eating 70% of the passover foods so it seemed a little pointless and instead i settled on a roast lamb dinner on Thursday evening followed by communion with Lexi and then reading and talking about the final supper from my bible.

On Good Friday we spent the whole day with the majority of the Reindl family which was great. I made sure that when 12 noon hit to take lexi aside and imagine what it would have been like to be standing near the cross with Jesus hanging there when suddenly the sky goes dark as night in the middle of the day and stays dark for three hours. When 3 O'clock rolled around we then spoke about the dark lifting and Jesus dying then. When we came home, for dinner we had the usual fish and chips but knowing the wait at the fish shack would be around an hour i decided home cooked definitely sounded better, so i baked some fish and fried up some chips for dinner.

On Saturday evening we started turning Lexi's easter basket into a tule tutu basket (talk about last minute) but dinner and bath time rolled around too quickly so we had to leave it half finished on the bench while the girls went to saturate the bathroom with their splashing. Upon leaving the bathroom Lexi discovered a piece of clothing had been placed in both baskets and their was a book under each basket too. when i sent her to ask her dad if he has done it (No?!) the dog started barking like crazy out the back. "what is Roxy going off at?" i asked Lexx. A huge open mouthed smile with wide eyes was looking straight at me, PRICELESS! "Muuuum, i think it was the Easter bunny" she squeeled.

So she and her sister put on their matching pyjamas and we sat down to read their books. 'that's not my bunny' for ivy and 'the Easter Bunny's helpers' for Lexi. We made sure to leave out snacks for the Easter bunny of milk, celery and carrot

On easter morning Lexi came in to our room having found a basket of goodies and a chocolate bunny at the foot of her bed. She squeals at me as the Reindl Man was struggling to wake up "there's footprints in the house and eggs outside and he ate our food we put out." Then as she opened our bedroom door a little more she noticed the 'bunny trail' in our room. The trail led to Ivy's basket and chocolate bunny at the end of her cot and then further in, in our walk in robe was our dirty clothes basket cradling a few shirts, some boxers and a megasaurus egg and a giant chocolate bunny. When Lexi found the larger bunny and egg she thought it was a hoot. We all went out to the main living area where we all got excited together about where the food had been nibbled, the milk drunk and the bunny trail on the floor of giant bunny foot prints of white bunny dust (baby powder). When we went outside there was a taped off area *thank you $2 store* full of eggs containing small gifts, chocolates, baby puffs,etc and each of the plastic eggs was colour coded by stickers aside from one that had no sticker which we all opened together. This egg was empty aside from a small note reading 'the tomb is empty, for he has risen just as it was said'. 

We had a family get together organised for 8am, a half hour drive from us so we had to quickly get dressed, grab our things and get a move on (we were still late). At the park we ate pre-prepared and bbq foods and the children all played. Instead of buying each child a gift... Which is expensive with 15 children in the family... Each family brought a small bag or carton of eggs for a giant Easter egg hunt. All of the kids were given a bag or basket and instructed to lie face down while the adults all scrambled about to hide the eggs (aside from momma Reindl who was keeping watch for any sneaky peekers). When they were given the green light the children ran about the park each screaming "i found one... And another... And another!" Every few seconds. Even Ivy got into it screaming around the bike path with a wicker basket. 

That moment melted my heart and will be an easter memory I will hold onto as my children progress through their lives.
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