Thursday 16 April 2015

Jesus and the Easter Bunny

*i'd like to appologise in advance for the lack of photos in this post. unfortunately my phone was damaged before i could upload them/back my phone up to the cloud (major sad face moment)*

I'd love to get to church more regularly, but i really struggle at the moment... hopefully when i can drive next year i'll be able to get there more often. In the meantime i still read my bible, pray and ensure that God remains a pillar in our daily lives. Especially will Easter time looming my excitement began to grow and i began my daily pinning spree focusing on my Easter board on Pinterest. When i began Easter planning i originally wanted to do a passover dinner but i just couldn't see my family eating 70% of the passover foods so it seemed a little pointless and instead i settled on a roast lamb dinner on Thursday evening followed by communion with Lexi and then reading and talking about the final supper from my bible.

On Good Friday we spent the whole day with the majority of the Reindl family which was great. I made sure that when 12 noon hit to take lexi aside and imagine what it would have been like to be standing near the cross with Jesus hanging there when suddenly the sky goes dark as night in the middle of the day and stays dark for three hours. When 3 O'clock rolled around we then spoke about the dark lifting and Jesus dying then. When we came home, for dinner we had the usual fish and chips but knowing the wait at the fish shack would be around an hour i decided home cooked definitely sounded better, so i baked some fish and fried up some chips for dinner.

On Saturday evening we started turning Lexi's easter basket into a tule tutu basket (talk about last minute) but dinner and bath time rolled around too quickly so we had to leave it half finished on the bench while the girls went to saturate the bathroom with their splashing. Upon leaving the bathroom Lexi discovered a piece of clothing had been placed in both baskets and their was a book under each basket too. when i sent her to ask her dad if he has done it (No?!) the dog started barking like crazy out the back. "what is Roxy going off at?" i asked Lexx. A huge open mouthed smile with wide eyes was looking straight at me, PRICELESS! "Muuuum, i think it was the Easter bunny" she squeeled.

So she and her sister put on their matching pyjamas and we sat down to read their books. 'that's not my bunny' for ivy and 'the Easter Bunny's helpers' for Lexi. We made sure to leave out snacks for the Easter bunny of milk, celery and carrot

On easter morning Lexi came in to our room having found a basket of goodies and a chocolate bunny at the foot of her bed. She squeals at me as the Reindl Man was struggling to wake up "there's footprints in the house and eggs outside and he ate our food we put out." Then as she opened our bedroom door a little more she noticed the 'bunny trail' in our room. The trail led to Ivy's basket and chocolate bunny at the end of her cot and then further in, in our walk in robe was our dirty clothes basket cradling a few shirts, some boxers and a megasaurus egg and a giant chocolate bunny. When Lexi found the larger bunny and egg she thought it was a hoot. We all went out to the main living area where we all got excited together about where the food had been nibbled, the milk drunk and the bunny trail on the floor of giant bunny foot prints of white bunny dust (baby powder). When we went outside there was a taped off area *thank you $2 store* full of eggs containing small gifts, chocolates, baby puffs,etc and each of the plastic eggs was colour coded by stickers aside from one that had no sticker which we all opened together. This egg was empty aside from a small note reading 'the tomb is empty, for he has risen just as it was said'. 

We had a family get together organised for 8am, a half hour drive from us so we had to quickly get dressed, grab our things and get a move on (we were still late). At the park we ate pre-prepared and bbq foods and the children all played. Instead of buying each child a gift... Which is expensive with 15 children in the family... Each family brought a small bag or carton of eggs for a giant Easter egg hunt. All of the kids were given a bag or basket and instructed to lie face down while the adults all scrambled about to hide the eggs (aside from momma Reindl who was keeping watch for any sneaky peekers). When they were given the green light the children ran about the park each screaming "i found one... And another... And another!" Every few seconds. Even Ivy got into it screaming around the bike path with a wicker basket. 

That moment melted my heart and will be an easter memory I will hold onto as my children progress through their lives.
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Thursday 19 March 2015

Holiday Highlights

Well i'm back and feeling super refreshed from our family vacation. The Reindl man on the other hand has decided he needs a holiday from his holiday, but a first time international holiday with two kids will do that to a working man. So now that he is back at work and the girls and i are settling back into our routine i thought i'd share some highlights from our trip and a few things we learned along the way.

Vilarisi Hotel Legian
If you're the type that like staying in 5 star trendy hotels, this place is not for you. For our family we enjoy value for money and the feel that you are not in your home town. The family rooms were great size and were serviced everyday of our 9 day stay. The pool had a fantastic set up where there was a small kiddie pool cornered off the main pool plus another area of the pool had a large ledge so miss lexi (6 and not a confident swimmer) was able to play freely. We didn't try the restaurant as we preferred to venture out at meal time but it seemed nice and clean and you can have your food in your room or by the pool if you wish. Check out time is 12pm which i thought was great instead of having to get up early to pack up and check out.

Things we learned:
Its not like i didn't know it already but perth airport is shocking. In the whole departure lounge of the international terminal there is one measly bar and an eagle boys that charge $9 for a pizza the size of my hand. There is maybe ten tables with chairs to sit at while you await your flight, and about 900 people all waiting to board their flights. not an easy situation to deal with at dinner time with two kids. Perth airport also dont gate check prams, denpasar does, but not perth... is that saying something or what?
Very few restaurants in bali have highchairs so if possible take a travel highchair similar to the one i did and just tie it to the pram when you're going out walking, it was a real lifesaver for us. As soon as we got to bali i cursed bringing a stroller that didn't lay back. i wish i had of paid the extra $80 and brought the holiday stroller instead. Also for anyone traveling with a child who naps and one that doesnt, i suggest bringing some quiet activities for the non sleeping child to do at nap time. Coloring in books and school work sheets collected from the teacher saved us here.

Activities we recommend:

  • bali safari and marine park
Spend a whole day here. Its about an hour drive from kuta and is alot better than the bali zoo. They have many opportunities for you to get up close with the animals and have your photos taken plus there is a water park and rides within the grounds too

  • Waterbom park
opposite the discovery shopping centre in the heart of kuta this water park boasts exciting waterslides slicing through 3.8 hectares of landscaped tropical gardens. it is the number 1 waterpark in all of asia and number 5 in the world.

  • Tabanan Trip
only a 20 minute drive from kuta, we began our trip at the gorgeous temples of tanah lot, went to the bali butterfly park and then headed to the Yeh Panas hot springs which was a lot easier than a six hour car ride with the kids to the volcanic hot springs

  • turtle island
not this one isnt for everyone. if you read the reviews on trip advisor you'll see what i mean. I'm in between as the turtles aren't being harmed but i do feel that it would be nice to make the enclosures more natural as seeing the turtles in concrete pools can be depressing.

While in bali i found out that on her first trip to bali (she was only 17) one of the Reindl wives refused to come out of her hotel point blank because she hated being hassled by all the shop owners for her to come look in their stores and this made me realise some people just arent prepared for bali. So heed my warning, every shop owner WILL hassle you to look in their store, they will also try the same with your kids. I was glad that Lexi was quick to learn to smile, nodd and keep walking but we were also careful to have her follow me with the Reindl man bringing up the rear so she couldnt be stopped without one of us noticing.

My verdict? well we all enjoyed ourselves but i think it will be quite some time before we take the girls overseas again. next holiday will just be for mummy and daddy i think haha much more relaxing.

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Thursday 26 February 2015

Holiday Preparations

So in a week's time the Reindl clan will be headed overseas for our first international family holiday. This in itself can be quite daunting but even more so when you're headed for a third world country. We're heading to bali which most would argue is not a third world country but when you think about all the factors within the country that can harm an infant- the uncleanliness, rarity of our most common necessities, diseases and how many foods (not to mention any water other bottled) can make adults, let alone children and infants, very sick. It's easy to see why a mumma might be a bit anxious to take this holiday. 

The other Reindl mummy's including nana Reindl have all taken their kids/ babies to bali and have assured me that providing we take the appropriate precautions it is completely safe. The following are the tips that other Reindl mummy's and my mums of Instagram have given me;
  1. Must have items to take with you include a lightweight umbrella stroller, a plentiful supply of your baby's favored nappies, wipes, formula and baby food, any 'just in case' medications like panadol and a huge supply of liquid hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes.
  2. DO NOT drink tap water, be careful not to get any up your nose, or in your eyes or nose when showering. Remember to use bottled water for EVERYTHING; washing your face, brushing your teeth and making baby's bottle of milk. I will say pool water is fine because of all the chemicals, all the nastiness is gotten rid of, also majority of establishments use filtered water ice cubes,so your drinks should be safe
  3. stick to your hotels advised private driver or bluebird taxi's and ensure the taxi's meter gets used
  4. cover yourself in insect repellent and used mosquito nets over the beds and cot's if available. 
  5. Also remember just how close to the equator indonesia is, even when its 5pm, those harmful sun rays are still gonna get you. Keep in mind all your sunsmart knowledge. Hats, 30+ or 50+ spf suncream, sunglasses, shade and light cotton long sleves are going to be your best friend in the scorching sun
  6. get a comprehensive travel insurance policy and remember to check whats covered. 
  7. keep 200, 000 IDR per person set aside to pay your departure tax when vacation time is over or you'll be unable to leave the country. Nana Reindl gave me the hint that on your first day when you exchange your currency set aside your exit funds and hide them away with your important documents ready for when you make your way back to the airport.
  8. take some form of probiotic in the lead up and while you're away. most people have heard of bali belly, and no one really enjoys it. having 5 seconds notice to get to a bathroom before you have an unfortunate accident leaking down your leg in definitely not my idea of a great time.
  9. one of the perks of the kuta/legian area (where we will be staying) is that everything is within a reasonable walking distance so ensure you have comfortable walking shoes and a large water bottle.
  10. Plane rides with kids. Need i say more? For kids 7+ i'd suggest pack a few snacks, a drink, some headphones and a tablet. kids 3-6yrs an extensive activity pack is my go to. we all know how quickly their attention shifts so for lexi i've packed books, games (sight word bingo, tic tac, toe, etc) puzzles, headphones and a tablet with movies pre-loaded onto it, snacks and water bottle. For infants 6 months to 2 years a tablet with a favourite movie or some episodes of a tv show they like, snacks and drinks, stickers, board books, and perhaps a quiet book like this one from "Always Sewin Somethin"

Being a virgo means i'm a list person so I've written three holiday checklists to getting ready for this trip; a packing list colour coded with carry on/ check in, a pet sitter care plan and a before we go checklist. I've pinned similar articles on my holiday/vacation board from ever in transit, family travel magazine, our little house in the country and house mix.

So my next step is to follow through with all the lists and be ready for our first overseas family vacation!!!
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Saturday 31 January 2015

Australian subscription boxes - Baby Bella Box January 2015

Bellabox is an Australian subscription service which sends you a care package each month of product samples that relate to the particular service you've subscribed to (baby, men or women). For the first quarter of 2015 I'm trialing the baby bella box subscription.

"Bellababy is all about finding you the best products, so you don't have to! Enjoy the items we love, to pamper mum and care for your baby beautifully."

So today while Ivy was SUPPOSED to be napping (but was in her walker being a sooky lala instead) I filmed my first unboxing video. It's not great - I hate seeing myself on camera, I can't help but notice all my flaws I'm able to overlook in everyday life - but it is what it was supposed to be... A video showing the contents of the baby bells box and a chance to get myself in front of the camera to get more confidence. is the link to watch our unboxing!
Keep an eye out for next month's unboxing post and video and subscribe to my YouTube channel & give me some company. Until next time...

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Tuesday 27 January 2015

Australia Day Celebrations

The Lucky country, Aussie land, The land down under, Land of Oz... Which ever name you know it as, Australia is one of the greatest places on earth (my own bias opinion). The gorgeous beaches, lush rainforests, stretching bushland, cute native animals, perks of having cities situated on the beach, bountiful land and the most amazing diversity make this place one of the most beautiful places to live. Every January 26th on Australia day (invasion day) the nation comes together to celebrate everything we love about being Australian. We drink (lots of) beer from our eskys, we go 4wding, we hit the beach, we listen to the triple j hottest 100 countdown, we feast on our favourite foods, we swim in our backyards while the snags are cooking on the BBQ, we enjoy the heat and we throw parties to commemorate the arrival of the first fleet landing on our shores in 1788.

This year we started the day off with a cruise down the highways of the north coast beaches in our 1980 ford Cortina which has been re-engineered and done up to look (and run) like a million bucks! Cruising up and down the coast we saw so many people hitting the beach with their mates, carrying trampolines to the beach to play/ lay on and many in their million dollar mansions overlooking the shore hosting parties from their balcony pools.

Next we went to the Reindl Mamma's for a nice family lunch and so all the kids could have a run around in the sprinkler. The boys cooked up a beautiful barbeque of t-bones, chops and sausages and the ladies prepared some veggies, quiche, salads and some chicken for the boys that are in the process of shredding.

When we got home Lexi and I prepared a party feast with all of the foods i could think of at the time that scream Australian to me. We decorated the table with a blue PVC tablecloth, a giant Australian flag and some flag bunting then laid out all the foods. We had burger rings, pavlova (the cream wasn't thick enough), an antipasto plate of ham, salami, cabanossi, cheddar, brie, crackers, sun dried tomatoes, french onion dip and sweet chilli deli mix (OK so the antipasto plate wasn't ridiculously Australian), jaffas, minties, a biscuit selection of vovo's, timtams, Anzac biscuits and wagon wheels, party pies, sausage rolls (with tomato sauce of course) and an Australian themed trifle with red and blue jello and some red, white and blue sprinkles i found from my new favourite eBay store apenfold123.

The table looked so good full of some our favourite foods and it was a great way to celebrate the things i love most about being Australian!

how do you celebrate being Australian on January 26th?

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Friday 2 January 2015

Christmas Post - Christmas in our house

Every household celebrates Christmas differently and this post is about the way things go during the festive season in the Reindl household.

On the first day of December we begin putting up the decorations. We all get dressed up in our Christmassy gear, crank the Christmas carols and deck the tree out.

This year we added a new tradition to our family with the arrival of our family's elf on the shelf, Candy.  on the morning of December first Lexi woke up to a table full of surprises. a soft toy for Ivy, a chew toy for Roxy and for herself, Lexi found an advent calendar, a note from Santa explaining the arrival, our family elf, a plate and drink bottle (Christmas themed of course) and a few little goodies for her to take to school with her. We named our elf ,after reading through pins about the most popular/common elf names, Candy. Most days Candy had set herself up in our main living area but there were a few days when she was found in the baby's room, the laundry, the kids/guest bathroom and the lounge room. Candy hadn't arrived back from the north pole when we woke up on Christmas eve but when we got back from our day out, she was happily sitting in the front room with the Christmas eve box. I tried heaps of ideas from my Elf on the shelf pinterest board but still have plenty more that I'm excited to try out next Christmas.

As we are currently in the habit of evening excercise, lexi and I also decorated Ivy's bugaboo with some tinsel and battery operated lights. Each night we would go out (me pushing Ivy's pram, lexi on her scooter and the Reindl Man on his bike) and tour the suburb looking at all the gorgeous houses that had umpteen Christmas lights, inflatable scenes of Santa and full sized sculptures of the nativity. It was great to spend a little time bonding together and exercising while spreading Christmas cheer. In the week before Christmas, lexi and I added to the Christmas cheer by singing carols as we rolled along and shouting 'merry Christmas' to everyone we passed.

As some of the extended Reindl family wasn't going to be available for our traditional Christmas Day get together we all decided to do something special beforehand. We went to the Middle Reindl brother's house for a swim and lunch. We were each given three dishes to bring and were welcomed to bring additional dishes if we so chose.We had a few snacks when we all first arrived before all the kids and a few of the parents jumped in the pool to cool off. Soon, dinner was ready and a huge buffet of food was served. With 15 kids and 12 adults to feed there is always loads of food and a very particular way the family runs things.
After lunch it was time for presents. In previous years each family would buy a present of $10 or so for each of the children of the other families. This year we tried out secret Santa, when each of the presents were given out, the children were all told that the present was from all of the aunties and uncles and nan and pop. Sweets were served next before it was time for everyone to head home. While it wasn't a traditional Christmas lunch, it was good to have the whole family together.

On Christmas eve we decided to head into the city to see Santa. I had planned to do it earlier in December but between work commitments and other family events i just ran out of time. We headed in on the train which actually wasn't all that crowded and headed straight for Myers to check out the infamous 'Santaland'.
I'd taken Lexi every year since she was three, but this was Isaac and Ivy's first time. For anyone who lives in Australia i'd advise you to have a sticky beak. Personally i feel the experience is just so much more magical than when you swing by a regular shopping center Santa. When we were welcomed in to Santa's room ivy just adored the mechanical snoring Rudolf asleep in front of the fire, we were extremely fortunate that on this occasion Ivy wasn't scared to death by Santa (she'd screamed in terror every time we saw any other Santa that month). Lexi, Ivy and myself sat on Santa's lap when the photography elf asked dad to jump in too... I almost fainted when he jumped in with us (the Reindl Man HATES photos). The photo turned out great and to finish off the day we went to Outback Jack's Steakhouse for a special family dinner before heading home.

Christmas morning we were a little concerned that little eyes might go snooping before the parents were up but luckily Lexi came in to the room shouting how Santa had been. We all got up and went out to the main living area where we found Santa had drunk nearly all of his milk, left a few crumbs of his cookie and Rudolf had gnawed at his carrot. Oh yeah, plus there was a few pressies around too.

For the afternoon on Christmas day we went to the eldest Reindl brother's house for a swim and to spit roast the pig they had been keeping for around 6 months. As interesting experience as it was it's not my first pick for Christmas day festivities but it was funny watching the Reindl brothers bonding over the experience, the women all squirming and this kids giggling bout the piggie going bye bye.

How does your family celebrate Christmas?

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