Sunday, 21 December 2014
Christmas Post - Candy Cane Slime
One of our kiddie craft activities for the festive season was to make 'Santa slime' but when I read that the recipe called for borax, It made me hesitate as I don't think it is a suitable chemical for children to play with. I found a new recipe that seemed a lot easier and although it didn't look much the same I figured i'd rather play it safe.
I used a packed cup of cornflour, a cup of warm water, a tablespoon of chunky glitter, 5 drops of pillar box red food coloring and a dash of peppermint essence. The recipes I found all said to mix in a metal mixing bowl but when I was in year 10 science class we made it in a sandwich bag so, to contain the mess, I made this lot in a snap lock meal bag.
In order to try and avoid slime all over the kitchen I put it in my biggest Tupperware container for Lexi to play with and although we did get a little over the table it was very easy to clean up with cloth and some water. For me, I think that as my favourite thing about the slime (apart from the fact that it smelt like candy canes) was how easy the clean up was! The container, Lexi's hands and everything else that the slime touched was able to be cleaned with water alone! Ultra impressive for any busy Mumma.
I would highly recommend this particular slime recipe for the ease, simplicity and creativity. It's easy enough that the kids could make it, and Lexi could have quite easily played with it for 8 hours ha ha. I hope your kids have just as much fun with our candy cane slime as we did. Great fun for everyone!
candy cane,
kids craft,
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Christmas Post - Bring a Plate
A lot of Aussie Christmas traditions involve bringing a plate. Whether its the annual Playgroup Christmas lunch, the kid's class end of year party, family get together or a office wind up, its easier to get everyone to bring a plate than to rely on one person to organise everything or asking everyone to pitch in to pay for catering. So as part of this series I'm going to list and link my favourite "bring a plate" finger foods to help prompt you when you get one of those inevitable memos to organise some nibbles.
Fun and Quirky
Make some cute little marshmallow hot chocolate cups
Or have a crack at these cute treats
Make some cute little marshmallow hot chocolate cups
This candy cane milkshake looks delicious
Or some other simple thirst quenchers include
Christmas Peppermint Fluff Dip. Easy Fetta Dip. Eggnog Dip. Cranberry Fruit Dip. Fruit tree, Homemade Rustic Crackers, Gingerbread Cookies. Veggie Tree
candy cane,
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Christmas Post- Christmas Planners
So most people hate to think about Christmas because of the stress it can create. Like any event though, the key to getting through it is, you need a game plan. Over the years I've seen quite a few planners and this year I've actually created my own. Unfortunately I'm having some problems accessing the documents on my external hard drive so I'm unable to share it with you at the moment, but the second I'm able to open the files, I'll upload it for you all.
For now I'll feature some of the free printable Christmas planners I've found and pinned to my Christmas pinterest board.
The first featured Christmas planner is from Life Your Way and includes; address book, baking planner, binder cover, budget worksheet, calendar, card tracker, card worksheet, checklist, decor inventory, decor storage, family traditions, gift closet inventory, gift ideas, gift list, handmade gifts, how we celebrated, master to do list, menu planner, order tracker, ornament journal, party planner, planning calendar, shopping list and thank you card list. You can find the free printables here.
Mom's Favorite Stuff has a more basic planner that contains baking list, gift list, meal planner, activities planner and Christmas card list which can be found here.
In 2013 as part of her "25 days to an organised Christmas", Here Comes The Sun author Kelly created a gorgeous green and red themed Christmas organizer that includes binder cover, December calendar, address list, gift list, decoration storage, menu planner and Christmas traditions. Click here to discover her ingenious design.
Cooking In The Chaos has a 10 page Christmas planner in a very cool light blue and maroon that includes a to do list, Christmas card planner and checklist, gift planner and checklist, advent calendar planner, December monthly planner, Christmas shopping list and meal planners for Christmas eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day plus a blank template in case you're planning a dinner party that can be found here.
Anna Moseley from Ask Anna, has a full 42 page printable planner available in her Etsy shop but gives a sample of her work as a free printable in her 'have an organised Christmas' post including a baking planner, black Friday planner (irreverent for us Aussies), December calendar and Christmas gift list for family. I'm also loving her green, red, lime and pink color scheme she has here!!
As I said at the start of this post a good planner is the key to a stress free and enjoyable Christmas. If you're the type to leave all your gift buying til the week before Christmas, find your stamped and addressed Christmas cards in your top drawer in the first week of February and think the idea of a full Christmas dinner makes you break a sweat, then a good Christmas planner is the perfect way to achieve an organised, fun Festive season! I hope this post will help you find one that works for you!
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Christmas Post - Countdown to Christmas
So now that Halloween is over I can finally look forward to my favourite time of the year... Christmas!!! To celebrate our own family count down and begin our festive season we've made a giant paper chain link.
Last year I found a pack similar to the one pictured at red dot or reject shop or one of those low cost retail stores and we decorated the space around the Christmas tree with long chains but still had heaps of paper strips left over so I put them in the basket with all the paper scraps. Well I pulled them out today. Lexi wrote numbers on them (1-50) while I just stapled them together in sequential order.
Once they were all linked together i just grabbed a push pin from the study and pinned the number '1' link to the ceiling where we normally put the Christmas tree. Each morning at breakfast I allow Lexi to go and rip off the last link of the chain and tell me how many sleeps there are left til Christmas.
Its one of those small, inexpensive ways to help bring the magic of Christmas. As a rule in our house the tree doesn't go up til December 1st, otherwise it would possibly be set up in July ha ha. So to introduce Christmas to our household and to give me a little more than 24 days to be 'Christmassy' I like to do little things to introduce the festive season a little earlier than most homes.
How is your family getting ready for the coming festive season?
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Halloween birthday in the Reindl house
We've just finished pulling down all our Halloween decorations so today i'll share our first ever Halloween experience with you all. I've always thought all the American celebrations looked like so much fun so when we were deciding on a theme for Lexi's 6th birthday party i thought it would be the perfect opportunity to go all out.
First step (of course) was to make the invites. i just used some images off a web search, Microsoft word and some clever rhymes to create the design, screen shot and crop the image and then sent the image to a photo printing company to be printed on some gloss paper.
We invited all of Lexi's cousins, some neighbours and a few of her school friends so roughly there was 19 kids. I ended up hiring a couple of kids height trestle tables and some small green and purple plastic chairs from perth kids party hire and then set the tables with orange and black tableware which looked amazing! For the food table i grabbed a trestle table from the garage that the Reindl man had been using as a work bench, taped streamers on the edge to make a table skirt and then put a tablecloth as well as a spooky material scrap.
For decoration I went on a pinning spree and made heaps of things that you can find on my Halloween pintrest board such as some Styrofoam tombstones, paper mache ghost, spider and witch, apocrathy jars, cardboard bats, rope spider webs, mini jack-o-lanterns and my favorite, the body bag!
We had a heap of Halloween themed food also. Vomiting jack-o-lantern guacamole, sponge finger mummys, pumpkin biscuits, zombie poop meringues, pretzel 'bones', 'blood' jelly shots, witchy fairy bread, a gingerbread haunted house, a giant pumpkin cake, monster broth juice with eye balls, chocolate dipped strawberry ghosts, spider web pizza, finger buns, worms, pumpkin poop and graveyard dip.
I created a boardwalk style cut out for the kids to have their photos taken in, we played pin the bow tie on Mr Bones, beanbag relays and musical gargoyles. the kids all had an absolute ball and i finally got to have a big Halloween celebration. With the amount of time, effort and money i put into this party, I don't think we'll be going all out for another party until lexi turns ten haha!
all hallows eve,
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Low Budget School Holiday Fun!
I was recently chatting to a fellow mum who was looking into a local vacation care programs to avoid the constant "I'm bored"/"There's nothing to do" remarks from her kids during the two week school holiday and was astounded at how much cost was involved! The first one she had looked into was run by the local YMCA and cost $60 per child per day (worked out to be $1,200 for her two for the entire program) but included transport, admission/activities and morning/afternoon tea. The second was run by the local council and the price varied depending on the activity that was planned for the day ($15 for a day where they played basketball at council basketball courts or visited local skateparks, $30 for days where they went to sizzlers, timezone and the movies or ten pin bowling and ice skating) with some including lunch and/or snacks but some asking kids to byo food.
I was astounded to find that other mums whose kids went to school with ours happily paid for their kids to participate in programs similar to these everyday for the whole two week period! Thats the equivalent to provide our family with fuel and groceries for a whole fortnight! So i decided to write a post showing mums just how affordable school holidays can be.
*i understand that some parents do actually pay this amount in order to get a bit of 'time off' from the kids or have no other alternative as they may work, so this post may not apply to every family.*
The secret to having exciting, inexpensive fun in the school holidays is RESEARCH! My favourites are Buggy Buddys, Perth City and Kidspot, but often there are events held at local libraries and shopping centres too. These past school holidays (july) we all went out for two big days where i spent time bonding with lexi doing reasonably priced activities. In this post i'll write about our most epic of the two days.
I had seen on a few parent pages on Facebook about an event in the city called "Snowland" which was a free family event put on as a publicity stunt by the City of Perth. It was followed by a great deal of controversy though because of the central location, the vast age appropriate range and the fact of it being free, the tickets were highly sought after. On the first day people began lining up at 8.30am, tickets were released at 9am and then were sold out by 10.30 am. From memory the sessions ran every half hour from 10am until 4pm and each session catered for 90 people.
After hearing about how quickly the sessions had filled up i decided that it would be best to get to the city as early as possible. After all i wouldn't want to go all the way to the city, promising my little girl an amazing experience, just to have to disappoint her when the tickets are all "sold out". I planned more than just the "Snowland" experience as there were quite a few free/cheap activities being put on in the city and being the fact that it takes us 2 hours on public transport to get into the city, i thought it better to make one big day as opposed to several half day trips.
We put on our cold weather gear, packed our bags and walked down to the bus stop at a very brisk 6.30am when it was still very dark. We took the bus to the nearest train station and the train straight into the city. We got in line for our "Snowland" tickets at 8.30am and lucky we did as obviously other families had also heard the controversy and had the idea to get there early too. There were about 100 people in front of us in the line, the first ones being in line since 6.30am. Luckily we still managed to get ticket for the 11am show so we had a little time to grab a quick breaky, do a nappy and nursing stop in the change room and then put on mittens, beanies, jumpers and scarves on before heading to the Snowland.
While we were lining up (the ticket had instructions to be at the door 10 minutes before the session time) the City Of Perth (COP) had paid a few teenagers to dress up and walk along the line to amuse the kids by having their photos taken. Depending on the age of the kids, some got quite restless during the wait but most were pretty good.
When we were finally allowed thru the doors you wandered along a path that was lined with fake snow, christmas trees lit which fairy lights and plush arctic and christmas themed animals. There was christmas themed music playing and a machine that blew "snow' into the air, which appeared to be the bubble foam that dishwashing liquid makes in your kitchen sink. At the end of the long winding path was another set of doors which lead to the main attraction. The massive cold room had four stations in it where there were a host of activities.
Sledding was the first activity Lexi wanted to try so we did that several times before we moved over to making a snowman.... which sounds a lot more fun than it was. the kids were given a few handfuls of ice to basically make two snowballs and try to tack them in a snowman-like fashion. I was quite glad lexi and i had brought gloves while doing thins one! Miss Lexi was extremely proud of this one.
we also threw some snowballs into a snowman cut out's tummy and then took some gorgeous photos with the backdrop that the City of perth had supplied. With gorgeous christmas trees, the lake snow and the rosey red nose and cheeks you get from the cold, it really made the photos seem so real!'
After leaving the City of perth snow land we headed to the Roc candy shop where kids could make their own lolly pop for $10. not too expensive to keep her entertained PLUS she got a free lolly at the end hahaha. they could choose what colours to make then would roll, twist and flatten the lolly before popping the stick in and decorating it with some facial features
Next up was our ice-skating session in which mummy fell flat on her back and got extremely wet... maybe i should have used Lexi's penguin skating aid more!
The last thing we did before heading home was to check out the dinosaur exhibit at the museum of western Australia. I had packed lexi lots of dinosaur snacks that she ate on the walk there; dino shaped sandwiches, dino biscuits, dino themed chess and she had it all packed in her dino bag i'd brought especially for her for the occasion. so we made a lot of fun with the day. It was so fantastic! the had computer motorised dinosaurs with motion sensors that would move or growl when you walked past, heaps of cheap and free activities for kids, including dress ups or colouring in a mask.
Lexi absolutely adored posing with the life size dinosaurs out the front of the museum and we made lots of conversations then, and whilst we were walking thru the exhibit about what dinosaur we wanted to be, or why do we think dinos died and such to keep her interested and paying attention.
All in all i probably only spent $50 for food, transport, tickets, etc for the day and as i explained to Lexi, we were going to have one big exciting day for the school holidays instead of lots of pointless little day trips. i enjoyed my special day bonding with my gorgeous little girl; we had loads of fun, learned a heap, talked a lot and strengthened our amazing mother daughter bond... i much prefer that than paying a ridiculous amount to a complete stranger to take my child away from me anyway. I love our mummy daughter dates, and they don't have to be expensive either. A child's love costs nothing if that's is the way you raise them to be.
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