Sunday 30 November 2014

Christmas Post- Christmas Planners

So most people hate to think about Christmas because of the stress it can create. Like any event though, the key to getting through it is, you need a game plan. Over the years I've seen quite a few planners and this year I've actually created my own. Unfortunately I'm having some problems accessing the documents on my external hard drive so I'm unable to share it with you at the moment, but the second I'm able to open the files, I'll upload it for you all.

For now I'll feature some of the free printable Christmas planners I've found and pinned to my Christmas pinterest board.

The first featured Christmas planner is from Life Your Way and includes; address book, baking planner, binder cover, budget worksheet, calendar, card tracker, card worksheet, checklist, decor inventory, decor storage, family traditions, gift closet inventory, gift ideas, gift list, handmade gifts, how we celebrated, master to do list, menu planner, order tracker, ornament journal, party planner, planning calendar, shopping list and thank you card list. You can find the free printables here.

Mom's Favorite Stuff has a more basic planner that contains baking list, gift list, meal planner, activities planner and Christmas card list which can be found here.

In 2013 as part of her "25 days to an organised Christmas",  Here Comes The Sun author Kelly created a gorgeous green and red themed Christmas organizer that includes binder cover, December calendar, address list, gift list, decoration storage, menu planner and Christmas traditions. Click here to discover her ingenious design.

Cooking In The Chaos has a 10 page Christmas planner in a very cool light blue and maroon that includes a to do list, Christmas card planner and checklist, gift planner and checklist, advent calendar planner, December monthly planner, Christmas shopping list and meal planners for Christmas eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day plus a blank template in case you're planning a dinner party that can be found here.

Anna Moseley from Ask Anna, has a full 42 page printable planner available in her Etsy shop but gives a sample of her work as a free printable in her 'have an organised Christmas' post including a baking planner, black Friday planner (irreverent for us Aussies), December calendar and Christmas gift list for family. I'm also loving her green, red, lime and pink color scheme she has here!!

As I said at the start of this post a good planner is the key to a stress free and enjoyable Christmas. If you're the type to leave all your gift buying til the week before Christmas, find your stamped and addressed Christmas cards in your top drawer in the first week of February and think the idea of a full Christmas dinner makes you break a sweat, then a good Christmas planner is the perfect way to achieve an organised, fun Festive season! I hope this post will help you find one that works for you!
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